CEAP President visits CEAP region 9 and BARMM for his Visit, Greet, and Meet with regional trustee and council

April 01, 2024

The CEAP leaders Regional Visit, Greet and Meet (VGM) in BARMM and CEAP Region IX concluded last March 21, 2024 at the Centro Pastoral in Zamboanga City.
The highlight of the CEAP leaders (Fr. Albert N. Delvo, CEAP President, Fr. Raymond Arre, Chair of the Superintendents Conference, Mr. Jose Allan Arellano, CEAP Executive Director with Ms. Precious Diaz, RCBN Executive Secretary and Mr. Tristan Manalili, Marketing and Communications Associate) meeting with their regional counterparts in Zamboanga was the participation of the Archbishop of Zamboanga, Abp. Julius Tonel, D.D.
Abp.Tonel listened to the concerns and challenges that Catholic educational leaders are facing, which they shared during the forum, and relayed his support to them. He also explained some plans and programs he intends to implement in his archdiocese.
Fr. Ernald Andal, SJ, CEAP IX Trustee, President of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU) consolidated the report of the school leaders of the Peninsula and explained them during the forum.
Fr. Albert N. Delvo, PhD, CEAP President, enumerated the present CEAP engagements, especially his advocacy initiatives in Congress, both at the Senate and at the House of Representatives, and the education agencies, i.e., DepEd, TESDA and CHEd. He pointed out and highlighted the legislative hearings and consultations that he directly participated in as well as the results of these to shaping education policies.
Fr. Arre discussed the importance of the office of the Superintendent and how it can be made more effective in providing support, proper management and stability to Catholic schools.
The VGM for the 2 regions, (CEAP BARMM and CEAP IX) started on the 19th with a series of visits to Catholic Schools in Jolo, Sulu, the Notre Dame of Kasulutan and Marist School, managed by the Dominican Sisters (Siena) and the Marist Brothers.
Fr. Eduardo Santoyo, OMI, Trustee of BARMM/ President of Notre Dame of Jolo College, and host for the VGM, and the visiting team also managed to set a a courtesy visit to Brigidier General Christopher Talmus, head of the Army contingent in Jolo. Gen. Talmus shared the history of conflict in the island and the ongoing efforts to promote and sustain peace. He explained that the most effective way, based on present experience, to reduce tension is to engage the community and to people-centered. He enumerated the efforts of the military to help and engage the locals with their day-to-day concerns like building mosques, medical outreach, regular visits to LGU officials, recruting soldiers from the locals, etc. All these resulted positively in ensuring stability and peace that Sulu has been experiencing during the last few years.
The CEAP tour of the regions started two months ago and is expected to end before the start of the School Year 2024-25. The CEAP BARMM and the CEAP IX visits are the 12th and the 13th leg of the VGM which is intended to show solidarity and synodality with CEAP schools all over the country.
The CEAP leaders extended their heart felt appreciation to the CEAP Regional Trustees, Fr. Eduardo Santoyo, OMI, and Fr. Ernald Andal, SJ, as well as their Regional Council Members for their warm welcome. Special thanks were also given to the Catholic schools visited by the team; Notre Dame (for girls) of Kasulutan, Marist School (for boys) in Jolo and St. Joseph School Incorporated in Zamboanga City.