The Catholic School Community Embraces Vaccination

August 12, 2021

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has shaken the equilibrium of all countries globally. The physical and mental health of the people had been at risk since its massive surge in 2020, thus to record, the total number of global infections has now reached 192 284 207, while the death record is 4 136 518.


According to the World Health Organization, the best counter battle to this crisis is slowing down the transmission and reducing mortality. To attain this goal, they devised a global strategy to respond to COVID-19. In contrast, one of the measures is developing safe and effective vaccines and therapeutics that can deliver at scale and accessible based on need.


The delivery and inoculation depend on each country's initiative and active participation in this global call. Vaccines were out in the market and delivered to the public in December 2020. The Philippines, in particular, heeded the worldwide strategy and began the inoculation in early February of 2021. Moreover, it created a prioritization scheme to cluster the most to least vulnerable populations that require vaccination.


The Department of Health (DOH) implemented master listing and data management to substantiate the prioritization and monitoring of the vaccine rollout. All these global and national parameters to control COVID-19 stirred up the consciousness of every active actor and stakeholders to wit, Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), as a Non-Government Organization, professed its integral support. The CEAP National Secretariat Office advocated two important ways on public information about the COVID-19 vaccine; one was the 'Webinar Series on Information Campaign on COVID Vaccination,' and the second one was the 'Survey on COVID-19 Vaccine Information'.


The Survey on COVID-19 Vaccine Information was distributed to 1477 CEAP member-schools and yielded 5 555 responses. The survey contains:

  • Questions that are both objective and insightful seek information on the number of vaccine doses received by respondents.
  • Reasons for not being vaccinated.
  • Family information on vaccines.
  • The brand of COVID-19 vaccine.


Other supplementary questions are being asked, such as the; designation of the respondents, location of CEAP member-school, gender of the respondents, age of the respondents, and the prioritization category of the respondents. The graphs and charts show data about the questions mentioned above.


The life uncertainties brought by this pandemic might be problematic to the people. Yet, the spherical concern of every community actor can displace the anxiety and eventually illuminates the minds of every individual through the dissemination of factual information to the public.